Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life Is A Process Of ... ?

Life is a process of development, spiritual and character progress, that's what it's intended for. But does that truly mean we accept life as it and not try to change it? May we claim the power and right to change our circumstances when we don't like them? We can at least try to change things and see if it's 'allowed'. If I belong in my particular situation because this is where I'm supposed to be, it won't change, true? That's what I'm afraid of, seems like whatever I do, the end result doesn't change and my overall life will stay the same until I ... what? Become the person this set of circumstances is supposed to bring about? Perhaps my life is meant to be what it is until some other person or situation is set up. That's an intriguing possibility, like the woman who couldn't sell her house until things were right for the buyer.

I'm not convinced that anyone's life has only one particular purpose - if so, maybe it's already been done. In my case, maybe I was meant merely to be in the family line of someone so that a particular descendant can be born. Or does God step into every believer's life and arrange every detail? Or major details? Where would the dividing line be? Perhaps He tweaks a believer's life so that whatever situation the person gets into is used for the purpose He has in mind?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I'm not entirely sure that people are born with a purpose. I do think that people are born with talents. My pastor teaches that we are to use our talents to worhsip God, spread the word, and reach the lost. That becomes our purpose.

    I'm not sure why God allows bad things to happen or for our life to go through a rough path. One of my favorite quotes is from the Hallmark Channel movie "Love Comes Softly." It says, "In all the moments of my life, God has been right there beside me. The truth of God's love is not that he allows bad things to happen. It's His promise that he'll be there with us when they do."
