Saturday, September 26, 2009

Staying Close Is The Purpose

Belinda Hodges, in comments on her hub How To Make Your Dreams A Reality said, "On another level, we can also keep attracting the same negative situations until we are ready to face whatever it is and move on."

I really like this, I agree with her. This has put words to what I was afraid of maybe, she stated a fact that happens in people's lives. I started checking to see if that's what was going on with me but have realized it probably isn't. Now I understand even more that this whole situation is NOT ABOUT ME. There are things I've seen concerning my son and the children that let me know the reason I'm here is all about them. I've been in this same situation over and over to be prepared to help them - I'm the expert! Reading what Belinda wrote clarified things, checking into it, though it doesn't apply in my life right now, it showed exactly what and why this situation is. Useful information no matter what, I'm sure it's applied to me before and will likely apply to someone I have met or will meet.

Since this means I'm not the point here, it makes me want to whine about my own desires that can no longer be attended to. I'm a mother so they never really have yet. The only way to avoid focusing on myself and what I wish would be is to stay so connected to I AM and 'let' the spirit flow through me to them. It's not like this is a bad situation, many people desperately wish they could be living this way. When the spirit flows through me, I'm perfectly happy with it all, it's when I let selfish thoughts and the ideas of "why shouldn't I get to..." that I feel put upon. Much of my feelings of guilt come from knowing things are too easy for me.

In scripture, people were sent to others for reasons that had nothing to do with them themselves. As a matter of fact, isn't that what it always was? The answer seems to be the same all the time, draw close to the great I AM!


  1. I believe that we are put through certain things to help us to draw closer to God. I know that with my kids when I am ready to strangle them, it helps to remind myself that God gave them to me for a purpose. Maybe that purpose is to keep me close to Him, cause I sure pray a lot more when they drive me insane. :)

  2. Kids are like mirrors too. When we look at ourselves by looking at the children we're raising, all we can really do is say, "Oh, okay God, I get it now."
